Distant Healing

Distant Healing

What is Distant Healing? 

We are all interconnected energetically.

I sit in your energy and focus on what needs to be healed. I move the energy as guided. I receive messages for you on your healing journey, as well as other things channelled for you. I focus on healing and balancing your body and chakras. I will lay out crystals and pull oracle cards.

**It is important to know that any healing, in person or distant, is by divine will.  To know that what needs healing will heal and if it isn't intended to be healed at this time, it will not be. It can be healed when the timing is right for you on your path. 

**Healing should not replace medical or professional advice from doctors or certified professionals.

What do you need to do?  Think of anything you want healed mentally, physically and emotionally as well as any attachments. Also if there is anything you may want to manifest to clear any blocks. It is best if you can sit quietly and uninterrupted 'if possible' but not necessary. Tap into your senses and feeling your body and any awareness you may be picking up during the treatment.

Included in distant healing:​  A Zoom call will take place after the healing takes place, to discuss what was healed and anything else that comes up for you. Many times I receive extra channelling in the zoom to benefit you to continue to heal.

COST $75

TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT EMAIL SUE AT soulworksbysp@gmail.com OR CALL OR TEXT 403.352.6889

What People Are Saying About Distant Healing

"I have taken Sue's intuitive course, it has helped me to use and listen to my intuition on a daily basis.  Love the way she teaches what she knows."

"I have had Sue do some healing work on me several times and I have utmost respect and love for the work she does.  It's genuine and she always takes a moment to make sure I understand or ask any questions.  She is worth so much.  I recommend you to give her a try she is simply the best XOXO. Forever grateful for some of the challenges you supported and worked me through...I cant wait till May for me to have a face to face experience.  Love you forever and always."